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Smart Enquiries

Shining a light into "the black hole of conveyancing"

We know that managing pre-contract enquiries is painful.
It's an opaque part of the conveyancing process that is the main cause of frustration and delay.
We see first hand the stress it causes clients, agents and conveyancers alike.

No wonder it's called “the black hole of conveyancing.”
A bold and simple solution to a complex issue
Smart Enquiries address the key issues faced by conveyancers when having to deal with pre-contract enquiries.
With integration built into the design, communication becomes cleaner and more efficient, significantly reducing the effort involved.
Legalito Solutions Enquiry handling

Recommends enquiries that are relevant to the property type. This reduces the number raised, eliminating a major source of frustation for conveyancers.

Legalito Solutions Response management

Offers replies to enquiries raised for similar property types. This speeds up response times and helps with training.

Legalito Solutions Personalisation

Conveyancers can create their own enquiries, either firm-wide or by individual. Reduces inconsistencies while allowing for personal choice.

Who are We
Designed for you

Built with conveyancers in mind

The development of Smart Enquiries has been based on years of working with conveyancers.

Being web-based, it can be used wherever you choose to work. There's no software to install and it has been designed to be integrated with existing case management systems and portals.

Best of all, it can be tailored to use the enquiries that are already in use at your firm.
How much does it cost

Fair, sensible pricing to encourage usage.

We know costs are important, so we don't charge conveyancers who are responding to enquiries. We only charge for when conveyancers are creating new cases.
Smart Enquiries has been designed to be powerful but easy to use by anyone.
That's why we've made the pricing affordable and most importantly, fair.
For conveyancers just replying to enquiries
Available to any conveyancer responding to enquiries raised by a firm using Smart Enquiries

FREE for Life

  • Unlimited Cases
    Can create ten new cases
  • Smart Response
  • Report Export
  • Case Monitoring
  • Notifications
  • Auto Chasers
  • Office365 sign-on
For conveyancers creating new enquiries
Full features available to conveyancers raising enquiries or managing enquiries raised by other firms

£7.50+VAT per case

  • Unlimited Cases
  • Smart Response
  • Report Export
  • Case Monitoring
  • Notifications
  • Auto Chasers
  • Cancel at any time
  • Office365 sign-on

This is genuine innovation

Want to reduce the stress involved in conveyancing?
Our goal is to help make the lives of conveyancers easier and reduce the risks involved in the process. Get in touch to find out how. I want to make a difference